Art by Bret

Paintings on the Artwork page reference a clear or tinted, faceted or smooth, epoxy overlay.  The pictures below are a representation of a faceted and smooth finish.  Both versions give added depth to the painting and creates a beautiful finish from every angle.  Please note, due to the gloss of the epoxy, photographs of the artwork may include some reflections, which are not part of the painting.

Faceted Epoxy Overlay

Pictured  "Volcanic"  36W X 36H X 1.5D

Smooth Epoxy Overlay

Pictured  "Nova Scotia"  48W X 60H X 1.5D

Bret Smith


Bret's art is acrylic on canvas typically with an epoxy overlay.  Each piece is designed by using a layering effect which creates depth and an interesing visual treat for the eyes.  With each layer Bret says, "it takes on a whole new life until the painting says it's finished".